How To Cure Cancer Through Psychological and Spiritual Growth

By The Seth Institute (other events)

Saturday, November 12 2011 2:30 PM 4:30 PM EST
Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu is a highly respected medical doctor and psychiatrist in Taiwan who uses a very different approach from traditional medicine. He is the founder of a Holistic Clinic in Taipei which treats cancer, other physical illnesses and mental illness based on the idea that all illness is a reflection of inner problems which disrupt the powerful immune system that is our natural state. This inner dis-ease can be described as unresolved issues, blockages, repressed emotion, habitual negative patterns of thought, or unhealthy behavior that exists in the individual’s psychology, life, and “heart”. Dr Hsu’s emphasis is on helping the patient to grow, and heal their psyche and life, and thus reinvigorate and unleash the body’s powerful natural healing and recuperative powers. The many people who have dramatically improved or completely healed themselves with the aid of Dr Hsu, have resulted in a burgeoning interest in this approach throughout Asia.

Dr. Hsu worked as a specialist in family medicine at the Renai branch of the Taipei City Hospital but transferred to psychiatry to gain a deeper understanding of how the human psyche affects the body. After being a psychiatrist at the Taipei City Psychiatric Center, he became the director of the mental health department at the Taipei County Hospital. Dr Hsu is currently in private practice and also spends considerable time teaching and lecturing throughout Asia. Dr Hsu is the author of over 13 books.